I want to thank Mike Miracle for consenting to an author interview. I really enjoyed reading through this, and getting to know more about him. If his personality is any indication to how his upcoming book is going to be, it's going to be stellar! -- Arwen If you could, would you tell us a little about yourself and your background? Originally from the east coast, Mike and his family now reside on a farm in the Midwest. Mike was able to use his programming skills to start his own small business from home, where every day is casual Friday. Mike has always searched for ways to express creativity and imagination. Through music, art and now the printed word. Mike’s childhood love of science fiction has never been stronger. There are plenty of crime dramas in the office library, but science fiction still dominates. How long have you been writing? I have been writing for a long time. This will be the first time I’ve written a book to publish. So, what have you written? The ...